Frequently Ask Question

SGShengci is a web-based vocabulary application developed to focus on building and retaining Chinese vocabulary for Singapore Primary School students. The application is meant to complement – not replace – tutors.

Primary school students that will benefit most from this application are those who lack frequent exposure to the Chinese language as a result of:

  •  Being raised in an English-speaking household.
  • Not having interest in learning the Chinese language.
  • Not disciplined in studying habits.
  • Not having a great memory.

Step 1

  • Log on to the website.
  • Sign-up on the website.  This will create your PARENT account (including email address and password).

Step 2

  • Verify your sign-up email by clicking the link in the verification email. Please check the email in your spam and junk mail box if you do not get it in Inbox.
  • Log-in to your newly created account once the email has been verified.
  • Under your name, click “Manage Profile”.
  • Add each of your child to sign them up.
  • Each child must have his/her own email address (can’t be the same as the parent’s email address).
  • Create a password for each child (should not be the same as the parent’s password).

Step 3

  • An email will be sent to the parent’s email address to acknowledge and provide child’s account details.
  • An account activation email will be sent to child’s email address and provide child's account details.
  • Download:
    • SGShengci app from Apple Store or Google Play; or
    • Via the child’s device from the activation email.

FREE of charge until Further Notice.

  • The application is designed to focus on helping a child retain long-term memory of Chinese vocabulary by using psychological tools.
  • The application has an algorithm that differentiates each Chinese character’s level of complexity.
  • Sentences are designed to increase the exposure to more complex Chinese characters without increasing the amount of time required from the student.
  • Various methodologies are used to help the child move short-term recall of Chinese vocabulary to their long-term memory.

  • It focuses ONLY on Chinese vocabulary.
  • It approaches teaching Chinese to English-speaking students.
  • It provides the latest, up-to-date vocabulary, referencing the official MOE syllabus.
  • Contents are preloaded and distinguish between those characters that are read-only and read-and-write.
  • It allows students to learn AND test character recognition & writing, pinyin & tone and definition – all in one convenient app.
  • It’s cost effective and allows the students to benefit from the higher value-add of more expensive tutorial sessions.
  • The app doesn’t require direct supervision by a parent and is designed to allow grandparents and others, who don’t know Chinese or English, to help the student.

  • I’m not able to proceed with the character test page:
  • Android device:  In App Permission, go to File and Media Access, then switch to “Allow Management To All Files”.

Firstly, please check the email in your spam and junk mail box if you do not get it in Inbox.

If you do not get it in spam and junk mail box, kindly download the apps and login using the account that you newly registered. You will be receiving a new verification email by login using apps.

Download App

You can download the app on: